11 March 2010

triple shot brownies

lama dah dok impi nak wat brownis. belek2 blog tengok otai2 semua ade wat menda alah nih. senang, tak payah guna mixer - meaning no fuss cleaning :D godek2 ngan tangan jer. ada orn ngidam nak mam cek coklat, chun dok pikiq2 gak. org ni feberet dia manis2 ajer, pastu siap order nak kek coklat punyer. jadi ni la d rite choice.

naper triple shot? sebb ade 3 kind of choc - cooking choc, choc powder n choc chips. yummyyyyy.. harap org tu tidoq pon dalam senyuman lah yer :P

masa bakar, tak perasan lak chun guna api atas bawah. dalam 10 minit, dah bau semerbak kek. dok perasan la..wanginya kek nih..rupanya kek dah nak keras dah bahagian atas tuh..hahaha..adehhhh dugaan betoi. mujuq tak hangus daaa. sebelom letak choc ganache, chun trim dlu la hat atas tuh. buang keras2 apa yg patot..hehehe

resepi nya chun dapat bila dok belek2 blog mamafami. C&P dari depa je nih..hehe


250g butter

400g baking chocolate


6 biji telur

340g gula perang

2 tsp esen vanilla

20g chocolate emulco (x letak sebb takde :P)


80g tepung gandum } diayak

60g serbuk koko } "

140g kacang walnut/pecan/almond (x letak, takde gak)


1. Panaskan oven pd suhu 160C.

2. Double boil bahan A hingga cair , ketepikan biar suam sikit.

3. Pukul bahan B hingga gula hancur - guna hand whisk saja.

4. Tuangkan adunan chocolate dan gaul hingga rata dan sebati.

5. Kemudian masukkan tepung dan digaul lagi hingga rata tetapi jgn terlalu lama.

6. Tuang ke dalam acuan dan bakar dgn suhu 160C- 170C selama 50 minit-1 jam.

7. Setelah masak, biarkan brownie tu dalam acuan hingga sejuk. Rasanya akan lebih sedap jika disimpan semalaman.

yg ni plak chun search kat blog jamie oliver. resepi dia lebih kurang sama cuma guna 4 eggs n caster sugar instead of brown ones.

• 250g unsalted butter
• 200g dark Fairtrade chocolate (70% cocoa solids), broken up
• optional: 75g dried sour cherries
• optional: 50g chopped nuts
• 80g cocoa powder, sifted
• 65g plain flour, sifted
• 1 teaspoon baking powder
• 360g caster sugar
• 4 large free-range or organic eggs
• optional: zest of 1 orange
• optional: 250ml crème fraîche

This great little recipe is taken from my Little Book Of Big Treats which I've put together exclusively for Comic Relief. All you have to do is bake a few of these and sell them to your friends, family, colleagues or schoolmates and you'll have raised an extra few quid for Comic Relief and their brilliant causes. What could be easier?

Preheat your oven to 180°C/350°F/gas 4. Line a 25cm square baking tin with greaseproof paper. In a large bowl over some simmering water, melt the butter and the chocolate and mix until smooth. Add the cherries and nuts, if you’re using them, and stir together. In a separate bowl, mix together the cocoa powder, flour, baking powder and sugar, then add this to the chocolate, cherry and nut mixture. Stir together well. Beat the eggs and mix in until you have a silky consistency.

Pour your brownie mix into the baking tray, and place in the oven for around 25 minutes. You don’t want to overcook them so, unlike cakes, you don’t want a skewer to come out all clean. The brownies should be slightly springy on the outside but still gooey in the middle. Allow to cool in the tray, then carefully transfer to a large chopping board and cut into chunky squares. These make a fantastic dessert served with a dollop of crème fraîche mixed with some orange zest.

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